PSA Transcription

Cole Transcription

If the closest feeling i could really relate to depression in general at its worst time is for example if you wen swimming, the lower you go the more condensed the pressure is. it hurts feels like you’re bing squeezed the air is being pushed out of your lungs that everything in general, like everything seemed to be under pressure.

There was high levels of anxiety, your subconscious didn’t really feel like your thoughts it felt like something else. like some, just something that tries as hard as it could to make you hate yourself. you’d second-guess every little thing, you’d overthink a whole lot of stuff. it could be as simple as somebody saying hi to you and the first thing your subconscious is gonna say is did you see how their eye moved slightly? that was a little bit of sarcasm they probably hate your guts. like it was just small little things that just all added up and added up and added up that just weighted you down.

but the thing i found the hardest thing to live with was trying to fake your emotions. to other people. trying to be happy, ;laughing, smiling was by far the worst. humor was my go to just because it was easy. if i could make people laugh i would feel like i had a very small purpose like i was there to do just something to release the stress of others. so naturally thats kinda where i shifted over too. asking for help really sucked too. idk it was really hard to tell someone, hey I’m in pain, I’m hurting, please help me. it just, it was jot fun, is not fun, hard to get over.


Andrew Transcription

its as if you just ignore everything thats going on around and you only narrow in on the one thing that is truly giving you the anxiety. its like being so exhausted that you need to sleep but  your thoughts won’t let you. and its like when you’re friends invite you to go to things, but all you think about the worst outcomes that can happen in the night. so you end up staying in.

its like always envisioning the worst possible outcomes in things that are supposed to be fun. its more of a visual, you know you always sit there and i mean you could call it a day dream but its more like a nightmare. because its like constantly telling you that something bad could happen. just driving down the road you think of “oh is this a good spot if i was to slide off at?” would i be alright?

well i drive delivery for a living, and theres plenty of times especially now that its not the greatest weather. that you’ll just be driving down the road and illl just think, well theres not too many trees around it wound be a bad spot to slide off the road. its just weird things.

the meds are really scary, you know you get to the doctors office and the tell you. well so side effects are they’ll give you suicidal thoughts. and thats not conforming i already worry about everything else now i have to worry about if I’m going to commit suicide.

and some of the meds thy give you, this one time i just felt like i was a zombie. like i had no emotion. i would watch videos that are supposed to make people happy or supposed to make people cry. and i would just sit there and flip to the next one because i would have no reactions. and its just idk i had to quit that one.


Alyssa Transcription

Idk idk how really how to describe an anxiety attack its basically just like heavy breathing, you can’t control your breathing. It feels like someones just sitting on your chest. then you just don’t know what to do you’re basically confused. you have so many thoughts running through your head. You kinda feel your heart drop a little bit, thats basically what I’ve had, when I’ve had a really strong attack thats basically whats happened.

many thoughts, yeah um it could just be the thing that I’m like thinking of at that moment that sets me over or it could just be. its usually that with like the one thought being the most conscious thing in my head. and then all these other little thoughts are scattered around it. if that makes any sense

i wouldn’t say its multiple voices, its all my thoughts together, its not different voices, its one singular voice telling me I’m not good enough or this is going wrong and its going to go wrong. or that if it hasn’t gone wrong its going to in some sort of way.

it feels like you can’t get a deep breath or anything like i said it feels like somebody is sitting on your chest. like imagine an elephant sitting on your chest, as your trying to catch a breath, it’s not possible.

yeah basically it just feels like so much static going on in the background. like you try to watch your favorite show and all these people are talking like nagging you from behind when its obvious your trying to focus on one thing.

it sucks, it really sucks, its hard to do a day to day life, when you have so much anxiety thinking you’re going to fail. or you dont want to go out of your house because you’re tired.

I’m always tired, whenever i feel like I’ve done too much for the day i want to go home and take a nap because I’m over tired. I’m always tired. come home from class and I’m just ready to go back to sleep.

depression in like working with anxiety is it sucks, depression make you tired makes you feel worthless. you’re tired all the time. im always tired because I’m sad, its gloomy outside  i don’t wan to go outside because its overcast its gross out don’t get to see the sunlight. thats all i want so i just stay home sleep, don’t hang out with friends, shove myself inside my room and sleep and watch tv

well for me for anxiety its when somebody tries ti talk me down a little bit, tell me the thoughts I’m having art as severe as i think they are. if i freak out over something i see on fb i know its stupid i know its false, someone just tells me its not real, most of these outlets on fb are false. and i know that but its nice to hear somebody like trying to tell me to come down, its nice ti hear that to calm down.

its a little reassuring to know that like theres support groups out there to help and that there are articles online that helps with the stigma around anxiety and stuff like that, and there are those gifs that breath in with the triangle when the get bigger and breath out when they get smaller. those actually help a little bit.

yeah its good to know I’m not the only one who worries a lot over stupid things.

you’re not alone.